Its cold
Yep its cold and officially winter, and guess who has the flu.
I am not feeling the love at the moment, this flu is a good one. I have had a headache for 3 days (and I don’t get headaches) so I am being a bit of a princess and at the same time the nose hasn’t stopped running, coughing 24 / 7 and the body is aching all over.
Last week was a great week for getting jobs done around the house.
My kids came up to help chop wood and we also did a large burn off so it was warm while we worked on that job. Of course I am still picking up leaves that are falling and have been taking long walks with Bosley and Pippa around the garden working on new designs to come up with.
One day I was out there on my quad bike and I wanted to pull out an old stump so the easy part was pulling it out but the hard part was trying to move it so I turned it upside down and put it back in the hole, trimmed up the roots and stuck
big goggle eyes on it with a stick for a moustache and stick fencing for a hat and we call him STUMP-MAN.
I also have a king size brass bed in my garden and a grass table. I used packaging palates as the mattress, tired it all together, faux grass as the bed linen. flower boxes for the pillows and grass fencing around the bass for a valance.
I had an old wheel so I covered it with fencing and faux grass on the top and Walla a bed side table, stuck an old angle statue as decoration. I did have a window hanging from the tree behind but that was a dumb idea as it kept falling down with the wind. Now
I am working on putting a pair of shoes and handbag at the base of the bed filled with dirt and some flowers,
I hope it looks as good as it does in my head. I am even crafty in my garden, I had an old round plastic table and chairs so I covered it with faux grass, chairs and all and placed it in the garden. I will keep you updated on that little project.
As you can see the garden is quite big, I never intended for it to get this big but over time with struggling with my depression I found creating was my way out and I didn’t have the shop then so all my energy went into the garden. I will put up a photo of what I stated with and what it is now, remember it is 29 year in between the 2 photos.
Before I was married gardening was the last thing I thought I would ever do even though I would watch and help mum and dad in the garden every weekend, it must get into your blood and one day you just wake up and start, then all the memories come back on how and what you have learnt over time.
When I was little my grandfather had a little house in Brunswick which is a suburb close to the city of Melbourne and he had a very dense hedge out the front of the house and I remember being able to walk on in as it was so dense, Pa would trim and cut that hedge every day if he could there was never a leaf out of place unless of course I was walking on it, It certainly would not keep standing if I walked on it now, I think Pa should have been glad I was small and a light weight back in those days.
While I have been getting over the flu I have been watching Billy the Kid on Stan and am loving it. I am sure I learnt about him at school but I don’t remember any of it so it was good to find out about Billy and who he was and not just think of him as a wild west outlaw. As a young child his life was hard but having loving parents it seemed good to him, but his life just turned out so hard after his father died, even when he tried so hard to do the right thing it always turned out bad so in the end he gave in to bad.
What are you watching on TV, leave me a note down below.
Just switched on the TV and Mama Mia is on (one of my favourites) not for the family though as I sing with all the songs which would be good if I could sing but I sound a bit like a squealing cat, but I just love to sing so I dont care. I wonder what it would be like to have a beautiful singing voice, I can only imagine it to be beautiful to just open your mouth and an amazing sound would come out. I do realize that it would take so much work to be an amazing singer but there are some people that can just sing like a bird.
This post has been a little all over the place but that is were my mind is at the moment, I think it is because I have had this flu for way to long and I am sick of it and want to just get my energy back to start doing all the ideas that are running around in my head. My phycologist keeps telling me to have lists which I do but now I have so many lists I need lists to find my lists and I could put them altogether and they would make a book. Does this sound a little like you as you are reading this are you saying that’s me too, I think we need to rethink our lists. LOL.
I would love to hear from some of you, let me know where you are what you do or just say hi
So for now until we meet again
Until we meet again
Jen (Jenzo) (Mum) (Mumzo) (Mama)
Good post.
Deb Skeen
Oh Jen, you sound just like me! Except that you are way more motivated and organized! Your lovely friend Sharon is a colleague of mine and told me to have a look at your website. I excitedly told her that all your lovely items are what I always say I should be making!
Your lifestyle sounds like my dream! Unfortunately, I must keep showing up for work- I need the income!